miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Abigail - king diamond

As a soloist, his sound evolved into a darker heavy metal and theatrical, with a progressive touch, preserving the harshness and the characteristic change of pace from Mercyful Fate. Also moved away from explicitly satanic lyrics and is dedicated to making horror concept albums in which usually develop stories of their own making, being the story of Abigail's most representative album, musically while your job was hailed by fans and which has received rave reviews by the press..

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011


These instruments are used in oral and rectal forms. Were placed in the mouth, rectum or vagina of the victim, and there were displayed by means of a screw to its maximum aperture. The cavity was damaged irremediablemente.Las tips protruding from the end of each segment better served to tear down his throat, rectum or cervix of the uterus. The oral pear is usually applied to heretical preachers, but also to lay persons guilty of unorthodox tendency. Vaginal pear, however, was devoted to women convicted of having sex with Satan or one of their relatives, and rectal homosexuals. Mechanical means were not neglected. Something as simple as a pair of pliers in the hands of a skilled torturer could uproot many teeth, and even if the opportunity arises, the language.


Used primarily on women accused of witchcraft. The chair was submerged under water leaving the tortured person pinned under the water unable to breathe, the inquisitor had decided how long the torture or torture remain submerged, the process usually repeated until the dying drowned or tortured confession, in which case the defendant ran choking, or burning later.

How long endure under water plant in this chair designed to make witches confess?


Although there were other devices like the iron maiden, these coffins were pieces of exquisite craftsmanship inside and out. Outside the large number of prints and reliefs that adorned its surface on the inside, by the spectacular array of kebabs, aimed at specific points on the body, that were slowly digging on the tenant, as the door closed. The nails were removable, so that could change places, to have a broad range of possible mutilation and wounds that led to one death more or less slow.

The Bull of Phalaris:

In this case the heretics were burned in effigy of a bull to Phalaris, tyrant of Agrakas, who died in the year 554 BC The screams and cries of the victims went through the mouth of the bull, making it appear that the figure bellowed. The bull of Phalaris was present in numerous torture chambers of the Inquisition of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Best weapons of torture from the Middle Ages

The crushing head is an instrument of torture applied in the Middle Ages, designed to break the bones of the skull. The victim's chin placed on the bottom bar, and the cap was pulled down by the screw. The effects of this process are evident. First, destroy the tooth sockets, then the jaws, and then the brain is drained by the cavity of the eyes and between the fragments of the skull. Today is no longer used as capital punishment, but high esteem for use as interrogation in much of the world. Currently, the cap and the bottom bar are covered with soft material that does not leave marks on the victim. There are some instruments with a similar purpose called "broken skulls, " which as its name suggests is distinguished from the "crushing heads " in that instead of crushing the skull, broke

Si fueras gay [mart y roy]

Justin Bieber muere en CSI ^-^

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Parodia By: Fioriparty

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El hombre trololo

Giga pudding

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Cover of Aske - Varg Vikernes

The image of the charred remains of one of these churches was the cover of the first version of Aske

Murder of Euronymous

In August 1993, the same month he was released his second album, Varg Vikernes traveled at night by car from the city of Bergen to Oslo, accompanied by another boy named Snorre Ruch, founder of Thorns. According to Vikernes, he had learned from a mutual friend that Euronymous was planning to kill him, or at least he had told several people that would like to kill him and torture him. At that time had long hated each other and trying to get his third Vikernes drive through another label so that this time Euronymous would not be in charge of production. In addition Euronymous had been arrested for hurting some guys with a bottle, so Vikernes took the threat seriously. It did not feel intimidated and to show that he feared he decided to go to him at his home to confront him.According to Vikernes, when he got there he called on the phone, said who he was and gave him the excuse that he wanted to talk about a contract, Snorre Ruch was in the street. Once inside your home, when they were face to face, Euronymous was weak and drugged went to the kitchen for a knife, being drugged, he tried unsuccessfully to strike a blow but Varg ducked and took the gun from his hand, instantly , ran through the building, downstairs, Varg caught him and killed him. Varg's escape was desperate at this point, while the police almost stopped the car on one occasion while returning to Bergen. Days earlier, when Varg had accused of burning churches, Euronymous had said: - "will soon be recognized for something bigger. " Without knowing it had predicted his death. In his indictment for murder also included the burning of several centuries-old Norwegian churches.

Varg Vikernes

Varg Vikernes Qisling Larsson is a musician, composer, singer and one of the founders of Norwegian black metal genre. Recently been granted parole after 16 years in prison because the murder of Øystein Aarseth (Euronymous), a member of Mayhem, in 1993. Also known as Count Grishnackh, a name used in the early years of black metal in Norway, is the only member of the band Burzum. Varg Vikernes Odinism practice, focusing on the worship of the ancient Norse gods